The strong convergence of marketing and technology today presents many challenges and opportunities for businesses. Brands are built not only through advertising but also through experience.

We connect business and people insights with the technological capabilities to identify and deliver new ways of interacting and experiencing. Experiences can make life easier, safer, and more productive.


Mixed Reality

  • Mixed reality Apps are suitable for all mobile, tablet, and large screen environments.
  • Experience interactive environments differently using geolocation, QR codes, and markers.
  • 3D environment reproduction Applications for interactive events, outdoor displays, and interactive campaigns for a real experience.
  • Virtual conference for online events, conferences.
Virtual reality-amico

Interactive Web Software

  • Web development for custom solutions
  • The system connects to existing solutions. The server accesses the content management system.
  • Develop custom web PHP, Java, SQL, nonSQL, etc.
  • Mobile and tablet adaptability.
  • Online payment gateway solution.
Web devices-rafiki

Custom Interactive development

  • Custom development of software and electronics with the platform that best suits your needs.
  • C, C ++.
  • Client application.
  • Design consulting and project technology.
Interaction Design-bro


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Customize as required

24/7 Technical support

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